The International Lichenological Newsletter is the official publication of IAL and it is issued twice a year (July and December) in English. The Newsletter is divided into four main sections: 1) Association news: official information concerning the Association, such as minutes of Council meetings, proposals of Constitutional changes, etc. 2) News: information about lichenologists, institutional projects, herbaria, requests of collaboration, announcements of meetings, book reviews, etc. 3) Reports: reports of past activities, short lectures, obituaries, short historical novelties, etc. 4) Reviews: presentation of recent progress and other topics of interest in lichenology with optional discussion. When the material exceeds the available space, the Editor will prepare a summary, on prior agreement with the contributors.
Any information intended for publication should reach the Editor on or before June 10 and
November 10 for inclusion in the July and December issues, respectively.
If you like to contribute, please contact Beata Guzow–Krzemińska (email hidden; JavaScript is required).
Editor: Beata Guzow-Krzemińska
University of Gdańsk, Wita Stwosza 59, 80-308 Gdańsk, Poland
Editorial Board: William B. Sanders
Department of Biological Sciences, Florida Gulf Coast University, Ft. Myers, FL 33965-6565 USA
Below are the IAL Newsletters from 1967 to the present, in PDF format.