IAL9 presentations
A final bunch of presentations from the IAL9 meeting is available on the IAL YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/@internationalassociationfo5577.
A final bunch of presentations from the IAL9 meeting is available on the IAL YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/@internationalassociationfo5577.
The last seminar (before summer) of the Cabinet of Lichens series is approaching. Holger Thüs (Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany) and Gothamie Weerakoon (Natural History Museum, London, UK) will present “Thinking beyond the moment – a beginners guide to lichen collecting and collections”
The next Lichen Journal Club will happen on Thursday (June 15th) at 11 AM (CST time). We’ll discuss the paper “Nuanced qualitative trait approaches reveal environmental filtering and phylogenetic constraints on lichen communities” by Koch et al. (2022). More info here.
Ready for the second seminar of the Cabinet of Lichens series! Adriano Spielmann – Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil – will present “Microscopic and macroscopic characters: What to look at in lichen identification.
We are pleased to announce the first Canadian IAL lichen foray in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains on Sept. 7–10, 2023! Organized by Toby Spribille, Diane Haughland & Bruce McCune, is open to members of the IAL. Lichenologists of all experience levels are welcome. Participants will have an opportunity …
The Early Career Research Committee activities will start this Thursday (27th) at 11 AM CST time with a Lichen Journal Club meeting on Zoom. We will discuss the paper “To explore strange new worlds – The diversification in Tremella caloplacae was linked to the adaptive radiation of the Teloschistaceae” by …
Check our new initiative for beginners (and not only) including webinars, Q&A sessions and a working group!
We are excited to announce we have launched a YouTube channel and have uploaded our first video! Watch this video and learn more about Brazilian Biomes with Dr. Geraldo Alves Damasceno Junior, speakers at the opening ceremony of our IAL9 Symposium. Subscribe to our channel so you don’t miss any …
In August 2021, the IAL established an Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility (IDEA) Committee, led by Co-Chairs: Joel Mercado-Díaz, Manuela Dal Forno and Natália Koch. They have issued IAL Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion Statement, which is linked here on our website. If you would like to serve on this …